The Magical World

Woah, so magic is real!?

Indeed it is! Magic has always been around and always will be. A long, long time ago, everyone had access to it; but over millenias, a divide was created between mundanes and mages. This divide is maintained and enforced by the High Wizard Council.

Nowadays, many magic paths have been lost to time, either accidentally or on purpose; Stolei’s goals are to restore those extinct practices, and to bring magic to people outside of the meticulously maintained lineages.

The High Wizard Council

The Council is a vast and powerful organization that legislates the practice of magic around the world. It was founded millenias ago, after a massive conflict, with the goal to protect magic. To do so, it enforces a strict divide between mundanes and mages. Their methods are not always ones we agree with.

Stolei has a complicated relationship with the high wizard council. While the school is sanctioned by their organization, most of its members do not condone our practice: reaching out to dormant mages and giving them access to the magical world. But, our principal works day and night to ensure a safe learning environment for us.

Do keep in mind that his safety cannot be guaranteed outside our juridiction. You must always be careful

Staying Safe

Preserving Mundanity

Above all, the HWC is very agaisnt showcases of magic to mundanes, and would retaliate harshly were they to discover negligence on our part.

It is most crucial that magic stays concealed from the mundane world. As much as we want to use our powers to solve world hunger and climate change, it is unfortunately not that simple.

Not only is there a careful balance to maintain to ensure the prosperity of the Otherside, but mana is an unstable and not yet fully understood source of energy. It can be extremely dangerous; not only in the wrong hands, but even in the right ones.

Dangers of Mana

Yes, mana is dangerous. Just like electricity, or nuclear power. It is an incredibly powerful force, which this school aims to teach you how to handle safely. It is crucial you understand the weight of mana; even once you’re well practiced with it, there is always a chance of a spell going wrong.

The best way to stay safe is to be attentive. Mana isn't an undetectable force; but few perceive it the same way. Pay attention to the flow of mana, and you should be able to foresee its tribulations.


This symbol is the e-veil sigil. It was developed by to consceal the magical activity we perform on mundane devices. It is also what allows mundane devices to access magenet.
This symbol is the e-veil sigil. It was developed by to consceal the magical activity we perform on mundane devices. It is also what allows mundane devices to access magenet.

Studing at Stolei


A dorm room is provided to every student upon registry; and will be theirs for the entirety of their stay. Students are free to furnish them to their liking, but not to alter any of the built-in enchantments.

Year round?

The school year is divided into 3 cycles. Each cycle is roughly four months, with a week off in the middle, and two weeks off between cycles.

Just like mundane schools, classes are given Monday to Friday, usually between 9AM and 7PM, though some classes might require night periods.

The Fall cycle starts early September and ends late December, with a break between October & November.
The Winter cycle starts early January and ends late April, with a break between February & March.
The Summer cycle starts early May and ends late August, with a break between June & July.

All types of Classes?
Visit our courses page for more information.

Stolei offers a variety of courses, each of which with their own set of classes to follow. It is not recommended to focus on a single course; if you are uncertain of the path you desire, we have programs which you can follow, which are balanced and thought out to make your learning as easy as possible.
Stolei offers a variety of courses, each of which with their own set of classes to follow. It is not recommended to focus on a single course; if you are uncertain of the path you desire, we have programs which you can follow, which are balanced and thought out to make your learning as easy as possible.
Visit our courses page for more information.

Stolei offers a wide array of classes; and it can be overwhelming, especially for apprentices. As such, a few programs have been laid out in line with the most common paths students tend to take. They are just guides, not necessarily meant to be followed to the letter. Our most popular programs are:
Benefactor learn how to lend aid with potions and spells
Tinkerer learn how to create magical gadgets and gizmos
Covenant learn how to broker deals with magical beings
Ecologist learn the magical ecosystem and how to benefit it
Scribe learn the deep lessons and history of the arcanes

Then what?

Contrary to mundane schools, there aren’t set degrees to obtain, no clear finish line to cross before you can go back home and get a mundane job thanks to your education. By studying at Stolei, you open doors inaccessible to mundanes, but that doesn't necessarily close old ones. As long as you preserve mundanity, you are free to come and go to mundane places as you please. If you so decide, after your education, to return to mundanity, so can you. However, most decide to pursue magical interests. Archivists, researchers, diplomats, tenders, artists, merchants.., Many find a place for them within our walls, or on the Otherside.

Terms & Conditions

Stolei does its best to accommodate students and their situation. As such, our conditions are more of a general guideline than a strict ruling. However, abuse of our permissions will not be fostered.

To stay a student at Stolei, the individual must be enrolled in a number of classes and/or extracurriculars, for at least 2 out of the 3 cycles of the year. Students must be willing to learn, and respect the agreement signed upon registration at the school.

Failiure to abide by the terms laid in place for the protection of the school and it’s members may lead to expulsion.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do older mages look so weird?
Over time, a constant use of magic leads to physical changes in mages; distorting their traits, reflecting their magical aura. The most common distortions includes:
  • ears becoming pointier, longer
  • irises changing color, pupils changing shapes
  • teeth changing shape
  • hair changing color/texture
  • markings appearing on skin
Active magic users tend to distort in additional ways, such as:
  • horns growing
  • gaining a halo
  • skin color changing (locally or globally)
  • acquire a third eye
  • change height
In extreme cases, mages can inadvertently
  • grow a tail
  • grow wings
  • change shape
These changes can usually be somewhat controlled; some mages intentionally grow tails and wings.
It is important to note however, that these traits need to be concealed when visiting mundane society. The more a mage is distorted, the harder it is to contain these magical appearances

Why is Stolei different than other magic schools?

Stolei's ultimate goal is to make magic accessible; to slowly acclimate the mundane to the idea of magic so that both can work hand in hand. This ideal is not shared by many: the High Wizard Council; the world's leading authority on magical matters, is firmly against the collaboration of Mundanes and Mages.

This means Stolei has to be even more careful with it's operation. It is disliked by the HWC for recruiting mages from mundane origins. But, since the students do display an ability to see and manipulate mana, they cannot pursue legal action agaisnt them.

This gives Stolei the reputation of "a school of mutts" amongst the other schools. This isin't felt much in the day-to-day school life, but boils up during Dazzledash competitions.

What the hell is "the otherside"?

The Otherside is a strange and confusing place; it hosts a vast and diverse wilderness of magical ecosystem. It is the magical root of this world. It seems to be a parallel dimension of chaos and mana. It can be accessed though an array of waypoints strewn about the world. Many nowadays are closed, but there is one right in the middle of the Hazywoods next to Stolei.

Around these waypoints often grow settlements, anchored on these passages between the earthly realm and the Otherside. It is often used by mages to travel, but is very dangerous to traverse if you dont know what you're doing.