navigation Click on the club code to proceed
  • DZD Dazzledashers
  • RND Research and Debate
  • JNE Journalism and Events
  • NND Nature and Discovery
  • RCT Arcanotech
  • MDA Media
All clubs are open during school hours: Monday-Friday from 9PM to 7PM! You may visit any club you want at any time, but you must attend the meetings to become a member.

Research & Debate 

Research and Debate

If you have your sights sets on becoming part of the student council, get in the Research & Debate club! Get involved in the socio-political state of magedom and get your voice heard!

meeting hours mon-fri, 8am-9pm
attendance policy Daily
Student Leader Ezra
room A211 staff Abigail

Journalism & Events 

Journalism and Events

Do you like organizing and being a part of the student community? Get involved in the social dimension of this school and enrich your and other student's life!

meeting hours mon11am-1pm wed9-11am fri5-7pm
attendance policy 1 hour/week
Student Leader Lexicon
room A111 staff Echo



For some high stakes sports and team spirit! Start off with the Wyrms to test it out; Join the Drakes to play for fun, or the Wyverns to get in the big leages!!

meeting hours mon-fri, 6-8pm
attendance policy 3/week
Student Leader Nitro
room Gym staff Ox, Harwell



Aching to fuse mundane and arcane? The Anarchotech club is for you! Get involved in the study o mundane inventions and how they can benefit the arcane.

meeting hours tue, thu: 12-2pm
attendance policy once/2 week
Student Leader Anissa
room Workshop staff Slingki



Do you like art? Music, Movies, Illustrations, Writing, Sculpting, Theater.... The media club is for you! Limitless possibilities! The media club is an agglomeration of every other student club that isint one of the "main" ones.

meeting hours variable
attendance policy variable
Student Leader Audrianna
room A101-A109 staff N/A


Nature and Discovery

Do you like nature and the outdoors? Get involved in the Nature and Discovery club to enjoy some quality time with natural wonders!

meeting hours wed: 6-9pm
attendance policy once/month
Student Leader Cybil
room the Gazebo staff Bane